Underwater threat 'returns'
This is obviously the work of the GGLF.
Conspiracy Theories Funny
null and undef
This is obviously the work of the GGLF.
Conspiracy Theories Funny
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Copyright © Christopher Beck.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
No moral integrity rights are either asserted or reserved.
y'know, i'd love it if your links weren't prefaced by an excellent display of your mastery of obscurity...
y'know, flesh stuff out. not all CRAZY fleshed out like wil wheaton, with the crying and the cancerous cats etc, but normal...
oh, and come over for scotch.
But, but, you are supposed to know who the GGLF (or FLNJ) are and therefore have context. It's like you're saying that you don't even know who the INSA are.
of COURSE i know who the INSA are!
They're the Incredibly Naive and Stupid Americans...
unless i'm mistaken, the GGLF are simply the Great and Godlike Laviscious Fornicators, and the FLNJ should be none other than the Freaking Long Name Jokes.
there you have it!
Ha! It was a trick question. They are actually called the IKSA.
GGLF - Garden Gnome Liberation Front
FLNJ - Front de Liberation des Nains Jardineire
IKSA - International Knifey-Spooney Association
double HA! i knew that! whenfore dost thou deign to honour us with thine scotch drinking presence?
IKSA is secretly the Incredible Knowledge of Suppositories Ass.
you shoulda known that!
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